Да, тот самый, что снимался в экранизации порнографии под названием "Люди ночами делают новых людей".
Работал в начале 2000-х в МГУ. Профессор. Занимается порождающей грамматикой.
Признавался мне, что ненавидит политику Штатов.
С другой стороны, была от него поддержка и Пусси-Блядям.
Политические взгляды
left of Trotsky … ailyn.html
John Frederick Bailyn received his Ph.D. in Linguistics from Cornell University in 1995. He is currently Associate Professor of Linguistics at the State University of New York at Stony Brook.
Areas of interest:
Syntactic theory, cognitive science, Slavic linguistics, language acquisition, teaching theory, Russian history and culture.
His research involves investigations of the workings of the linguistic component of the mind, with particular attention to the Slavic languages. Within theoretical linguistics, his primary interests lie in generative syntax, especially issues of case, word order and movement. Within cognitive science, he is interested in issues of modularity, creativity, and musical perception. Within Slavic Linguistics, he is interested in Russian Syntax, Morphology, and Phonology, comparative Slavic syntax, and historical linguistics.
Within Russian history and culture he is interested in early Soviet politics, post Soviet culture, late Soviet underground culture, the Show Trials, and the cultural history of St. Petersburg.